Tokyo Comedy Bar Tokyo Comedy Bar is a friendly and lively comedy bar in Shibuya just a stone’s throw away from Shibuya Station. Continue reading →
TAP&CROWLER TAP&CROWLER is a friendly and lively bottle shop and tasting room for craft beer in Shibuya. Continue reading →
Liquor Shop NIGHT OWL Liquor Shop Night Owl is a craft beer bottle shop and growler store in Ebisu. Continue reading →
threefeet Tokyo Threefeet Tokyo is a friendly and affordable bottle shop in the Urahara district of Harajuku. Continue reading →
Cidernaut Cidernaut is a cozy and friendly cider pub with a couple craft beers on tap in Shibuya. Continue reading →
Shujitsu one Shujitsu one is a quiet and cozy restaurant and cafe in Yoyogi Uehara. Continue reading →
Craft Beer Scissors (Ikejiri Ohashi) Craft Beer Scissors (Ikejiri Ohashi) is a cozy craft beer bar and restaurant in Ikejiri Ohashi. Continue reading →
Daily Stand 204 Daily Stand 204 is a cozy craft beer cafe, bar, and restaurant in Shin Nakano. Continue reading →
Standing Bar Beer Boy (Shibuya Parco) Standing Bar Beer Boy is a chain of craft beer standing bars run by the Craft Beer Market group. Continue reading →