Butcher Republic Chicago Pizza & Beer (Musashi Kosugi Grand Tree) Name Butcher Republic Chicago Pizza & Beer (Musashi Kosugi Grand Tree) Address (English) 〒211-0004 Kanagawa-ken, Kawasaki-shi, Nakahara-ku, Shinmarukohigashi 3 Chome 1135-1 Grand Tree Musashi Kosugi 1F Address (Japanese) 〒211-0004 神奈川県川崎市中原区新丸子東3-1135-1 グランツリー武蔵小杉1階 Additional Shops The Rooftop Butcher Butcher Republic Chicago Pizza & Beer (Ebisu) Butcher Republic Chicago Pizza & Beer (Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse) Main Station Musashi Kosugi Alternative Stations Distance to Station Hours Mo~Su 11:00~23:00 Phone Number Type Restaurant Seating Taps Bottles Flights Cost of a Beer Otoshi (Table Charge) Payment Food Atmosphere English Service Smoking Reservations Free Wifi Website http://www.butcher-republic.com/musashikosugi.html Facebook Twitter Instagram https://www.instagram.com/butcher_republic_grandtree/ Tabelog https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1405/A140504/14074636/ *Information currently awaiting confirmation from Butcher Republic Chicago Pizza & Beer (Musashi Kosugi Grand Tree)