Port Okutama Port OkutamaPort Okutama-23Port Okutama-22Port Okutama-2Port Okutama-4Port Okutama-14Port Okutama-7Port Okutama-18Port Okutama-17Port Okutama-8Port Okutama-9Port Okutama-11Port Okutama-12Port Okutama-13Port Okutama-10Port Okutama-21Port Okutama-20Port Okutama-19Port Okutama-6Port Okutama-5Port Okutama-16Port Okutama-3 Name Port Okutama Address (English) 〒198-0212 Tokyo-to, Nishitama-gun, Okutama-machi, Hikawa Okutama Station 2F Address (Japanese) 〒198-0212 東京都西多摩郡奥多摩町氷川 奥多摩駅 2F Main Station Okutama Alternative Stations Distance to Station Hours March~November Mo~Su 7:00~18:00 December~February Mo~Su 8:00~17:00 Phone Number Type Café Seating Taps Bottles Flights Cost of a Beer Otoshi (Table Charge) Payment Food Atmosphere English Service Smoking Reservations Free Wifi Website https://www.okutama.ne.jp/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PortOkutama/ Twitter Instagram Tabelog https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1330/A133004/13209777/ *Information currently awaiting confirmation from Port Okutama.