Ebina Beer
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Ebina Beer
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Ebina Beer is the taproom and restaurant for Ebina Beer that was started in early 2017.  Ebina Beer was started by a Czech and Japanese couple that aims to bring more craft beer to their region of Kanagawa.  The restaurant is bright and inviting and very friendly for all types of people.

Popular Dishes

  1. Nachos
  2. Roast Beef
  3. Fish & Chips
Address (English) 〒243-0436 Kanagawa-ken, Ebina-shi, Ogicho 5-4
Address (Japanese) 〒243-0436 神奈川県海老名市扇町5-4
Main Station Ebina
Alternative Stations
Distance to Station 7 minute walk
Hours Mo~Fr 17:00~22:30
Sa~Su 14:00~22:30
Closed 2nd & 3rd Monday of Every Month
Phone Number 046-259-8730
Type Restaurant
Seating 18 (10 at the counter; 15 at tables)
Taps 8 (All CO2 Taps)
Bottles No
Flights No
Cost of a Beer ¥500~
Otoshi (Table Charge) No
Payment Credit OK
Food Light Western Dishes
Atmosphere Relaxed; Friendly; Lively
English Service  Conversational
Smoking  No
Reservations Yes
Free Wifi Yes
Website https://ebinabeer246.company.site/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EBINABEER/
Twitter https://twitter.com/ebinabeer
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ebinabeer/
Tabelog https://tabelog.com/en/kanagawa/A1408/A140801/14066663/

*Information provided by Ebina Beer.

One thought on “EBINA BEER

  1. Pingback: Interview: Tomas of Ebina Beer | Taiheiyogan Craft Beer – Japan

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